My 2022 London Bucket List

2022 London Bucket List - London things to do in 2022

When I first moved to London five years ago, in addition to my lofty New Year’s Resolutions, I compiled a London bucket list of sorts – London activities I wanted to tick off my list over the next 365 days.

This year, as part of my resolutions, I’m really focused on practicing gratitude, getting my head out of my phone, and being present every day. Part of this practice includes being grateful for living in London and really appreciative of my life as a Londoner. So this January I’m taking inspo from 2017 Erin and rebooting the bucket list, baby.

In 2021, it was way too easy for me to get caught up in my day to day routine of wake up, double espresso with oat milk, walk, work, dinner, TV, mindlessly scroll, bed, rinse, repeat. I find myself sometimes forgetting I live in fucking London, living out 15 year old Erin’s dream life, a life I worked really hard to achieve. COVID, arguably, has made this worse, as I’ve become such a homebody thanks to months long lockdowns and ever changing restrictions.

In 2022, I want to dust off the mentality of wide eyed 2017 Erin, make the most of living in London and just romanticize the hell out of my life and my city. So, this bucket list is a way to hold me accountable. Whenever I consider spending a Saturday watching Housewives or mindlessly running errands – two things I could do in literally any city – I’m going to refer back to this list for fresh inspiration and a dose of wanderlust.

Like one of my favorite quotes says – If you are tired of London, you are tired of life – and in 2022, we’re staying wide awake.

My 2022 London Bucket List

2022 London Bucket List - things to do in London In 2022
  1. Stroll through Kew Gardens
  2. Bask in the faded grandeur of the Hampstead Pergola
  3. Make like Henry VIII at Hampton Court Palace
  4. Toast with ghosts on a haunted pub crawl
  5. Find hidden treasures and go antiquing – I’m thinking the Peckham Antique Market or Wimbledon Antiques Fair!
  6. Live out my Bridgerton fantasy at the Rangers House in Greenwich
  7. Have a picnic on Primrose Hill
  8. Get lost in the Crystal Palace Park Maze
  9. Indulge in Sunday roast once a month
  10. Explore the Barbican Conservatory
  11. Wander a museum or art gallery twice a month
  12. Lunch at Petersham Nurseries then spend the day in Richmond
  13. Tour Buckingham Palace
  14. Find more of London’s famous film locations
  15. Toast with champagne at the top of the Shard

What’s on your London bucket list?


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